
Stranger once and in time
A friend you become of mine

Then a day more than a friend you make
To feel the life course through my veins

A lover’s name of sweet caress
A time of my utter bliss

Years go by and bliss subsides
Life runs its course and the sun sets aside

One doubts of what once was in hopes it can again be
Grasping at memories of that sky so bright and sunny

Now only our fights in vain abound
Tired and weary one day, our defenses completely down

Forgetting, for a moment, turmoil's reign
Again to feel that life course through our veins

Savor that day as memories are made
When next that flame is made to fade

ELPH© May 14, 2011


  1. Speaking from experience, DO NOT dig up the past. If you parted ways once, you will again....maybe this time sabotaging current relationships or someone else's marriage. All for the sake of a fling meant to fade? Not worth it.

  2. I sounds like you're projecting, when in fact, the meaning of this poem is much simpler; it's about a relationship that has its troubles just like any other, perhaps slightly more.

    Then, comes a day, when the troubles subside and again remember why they're together.

    The moral is to remember the good times to help you get through the bad ones; nothing to do with flings or sabotaging anyone else's relationships or marriages.


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