
Showing posts from September, 2011


Either accept what you're doing for others or become who you truly want to be and do what you want to do for yourself and possibly others as well.  ELPH© September 29, 2011


by the moon I sit and leer as eyes stare and steer they run and dance her every inch her form, so gracefully statuesque painted in lace and less she smiles awaiting a wrestled mess impassioned fervor unparalleled the moons story I do tell clock's arms crossed in defiance seemingly his only alliance sleep: angel in heaven it now finally quarter past seven tonight I long for another night so vivid I'll yearn for passions that once made me timid ELPH© September 24, 2011


A cluttered space may reflect a cluttered mind or simply overwhelmed! ELPH© September 20, 2011


Solace found novice sounds. Earnest tries ...cause relinquished ties.


Respect and thoughtfulness are not concepts like  yīnyáng, but rather, first cousins or best friends ELPH© September 12, 2011