Feel the small things that come, he said. FEAR THE SMALL THINGS THAT COME, he said! They that equal that given without thought to self. Small is the gift for those that do not forgive or forget. Small is the void for those that do in earnest. Forgetfulness is the blessing given to those truly forgiving. Torturous memory is the curse to those who are not giving. Sweep the cob web, open the windows, and let the fresh air clear out that which is unused, wasters of space and time, or thoughts of no contribution to man or god or God! Is not the man with cluttered life and mind not woefully odd? Why have memories that serve no good? Only those that are good will serve purposeful mood. Unforgiven memories only aid committer of waste and soot. And, only once accomplished can a man be remembered for whence he stood! Be not lazy, passive, or judgmental or presumptive; rather lay in fire, passion, and questions and in all be active. Work hard as to merit hard rest! What m...